ExpiredCPS Series: Knots & Hitches for Securing your Boat

Ages 12+  |  FREE

Join Gabriola Power Squadron and Sail presenters Sean Lewis and Agathe Gaulin for a hands-on workshop. In this class you will learn with practice to tie everyday knots and hitches used in docking, tying lines together, securing articles on your boat, and to aid in retrieving things and people in the water. This workshop includes: tying the bowline, double sheet bend, round turn & two half hitches, coiling line properly, belaying on a cleat, proper tossing of a line and tying lines to secure your boat to a dock.

Drop-In is only available if space permitting; please register in advance.

March 8  |  7 – 9pm  |  Fee: FREE

*** Registration opens February 27 at 9am.

More information can be found on the Canadian Power and Sail Squadron’s website:

  • Wednesday March 8, 2023
    7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


680 North Road, Gabriola, British Columbia, Canada, V0R 1X3

The Gabriola Recreation Society's office is located at north east end of the Gabriola Elementary School.

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