UpcomingAlexander Technique with Heike Walker (Ages 16+)

Ages 16+  

Find ease in movement using the Alexander Technique. In all our daily activities, our whole body is involved whether we shake a hand, sit at a computer, walk the stairs or do our daily exercise routine. Without being aware of it, we often move with too much effort and muscle tension. This may result in discomfort, back ache, shoulder problems or neck pain. AT teaches you to increase your body awareness, recover more balance in your body and perform daily activities and exercise with more ease.

Date:  Monday, June 23  |  Time: 4:30 – 6:30pm
Ages: 16+  |  Fee: $25

*Limited spaces available. Be sure to register early. Registration opens Feb 24 at 9am.

  • Monday June 23, 2025
    4:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Price Qty
Alexander Technique with Heike Walker $25.00 (CAD)  


680 North Road, Gabriola, British Columbia, Canada, V0R 1X3

The Gabriola Recreation Society's office is located at north east end of the Gabriola Elementary School.

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