Joyce is a lifelong nature observer, geographer, Tai Chi practitioner, who has widely explored BC ecosystems and through her deep experiences, gained a broad understanding of life within the natural world. As a naturalist, mentored with knowledgeable elders, botanists, mycologists, fellow naturalists, Joyce has become attuned to the multitudes within the living world.
Joyce endeavors to celebrate other living beings and acknowledge their life supporting gifts.
She will introduce Tai Chi skills, with which participants will discover awareness, develop sensory techniques and deepen knowledge of forest elements. Joyce is immersed in her forest walking, with each walk, she is open to learning from forest beings. Every forest walk is a gift to the senses. Necessarily, gratitude and caring for our forest relations generosity follows. For over 50 years, she has shared her love, respect and care of our living forest in a wide variety of programs.She invites you and your family to join her on this Tai chi forest walk. Begin to open up your senses, discover the wonder of our forest relations and be filled witht heir gifts.
Your body and mind will thank you.